American Expatriate Costa Rica

Minister of Finance opposes total withdrawal of the ROP

The Minister of Finance, Rocío Aguilar, said on Wednesday morning at the Committee on Tax Affairs that she is against the project that would allow the total withdrawal of the Mandatory Complementary Pension Scheme (ROP, for its acronym in Spanish), as this might unbalance the system.

I am against the project. It seems to me that we are risking the possibilities that for some years were achieved with the generation of the second pillar, but that is my opinion. The resources for these payments do not come from the budget of the Republic, that will be the pension operators. Possibly the withdrawals may have an impact on two things: one, that having more liquid resources compromises the performance of the fund and second, they will eventually have to liquidate investments,”

said Aguilar.

This opinion is similar to the criteria of the Superintendent of Pensions, the Costa Rican Social Security Fund and the Association of Pension Operators, who also do not endorse the project.

The objective of the bill promoted by Eduardo Cruickshank from National Restoration is to allow pensioners to withdraw their funds from the ROP in advance.

This regime is a complement to the Disability, Old Age and Death.