American Expatriate Costa Rica

More Costa Ricans will be able to vote abroad in 2018

A total of 26,459 Costa Ricans were registered in the consulates of the country and will be able to vote in the 2018 elections, more than twice the number of voters abroad in 2014.

The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) recalled that those wishing to register to vote outside Costa Rica on February 4th 2018 have until October 3rd 2017 to change their electoral address.

On the TSE website, there is an electronic form for Costa Ricans who live abroad to request this change.

You can also visit the Costa Rican consulate nearest to your residence and make the process. If they are in national territory, they can go to any seat of the TSE.

Costa Ricans who are already registered and wish to vote in the same place as they did in 2014 will not have to request a transfer or update the electoral domicile. That year, 12,654 were registered.

Currently, Costa Rica has 52 consulates in 42 countries. For the 2018 elections there will be two new ones: Shanghai (China) and Ankara (Turkey).

The consulates with the largest number of registered voters to date are New York (7,261), Los Angeles (3,049), Miami (2,782) and Atlanta (2,050) in the United States. The least registered voters are in India (9), Belize (8), Trinidad and Tobago (5), Jamaica (3) and Turkey (1).

The countries with the largest number of registered voters in Costa Rica are the United States (19,090), Canada (892), Mexico (731), Spain (601) and Panama (549).