American Expatriate Costa Rica

Narco leader offered $1 million to police in exchange for freedom

This week Police Drug Control (ICD) foiled a gang related to the drug cartel of Sinaloa operating from Costa Rica. In several raids, the police arrested the leader of this band, named García, who offered $ 1 million to the officers to alter the report and set his release. The officials refused and reported the incident.

Security Minister Gustavo Mata stressed the work of the Police with the Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS) to disrupt the structure they have been investigating since 2014.

Just on Wednesday morning 24 raids were conducted in several parts of the country, such as Upala, San Ramón, La Unión, Tres Ríos, Santa Cruz de Guanacaste, Puntarenas, Miramar, among other places, which led to the arrest of 14 people.

García was arrested on Tuesday in La Uruca. He is a 41-year-old Costa Rican, with a history of using false documents, vehicle theft, illegal association, fraud in five occasions and carrying weapons.

A vehicle, two firearms, two porters, a Nicaraguan identity card with his photograph and the name of another person were seized during his capture, as well as $ 16,680 distributed as follows: 15,500 in bills of 100 and 1,180 dollars in bills of 20, in addition to 19,000 colones. All of this was offered to PCD officers who arrested him and who bluntly refused his proposal.

The band is linked to six events for two years. The last one occurred in Bagaces, on November 5th, when a clandestine runway was discovered and 432 kilos of cocaine, cash and two vehicles were seized.

Our territory is small, so there were several routes and to try and take the drug for clandestine airstrips,”

said Francisco Fonseca, deputy prosecutor against organized crime.