American Expatriate Costa Rica

New government will create the Economic Social Council

On Thursday morning, president-elect Carlos Alvarado participated in an activity with the national cooperative sector with the presence of Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize in Economics.

There, he announced that in his government he will create the Presidential Council of the Social Economy, which could begin to be integrated after May 8th, once he takes office.

What will this council do? According to Alvarado, they aim at a better development of the cooperative, solidarity sectors, as well as development associations, in addition to other manifestations of the social economy.

We want to promote the improvement and development of these sectors, which is very hand in hand with our initiative to generate sources of employment and welfare with a territorial approach,”

said the president-elect on Thursday, after receiving his credentials from the Supreme Court of Elections.

That council, which would have its operations center in the Presidential House, will be chaired by the second vice president, Marvin Rodríguez, as announced by Carlos Alvarado himself.