American Expatriate Costa Rica

New Health Area in San Pablo de Heredia

In order to offer greater comfort to the insured population in the provision of services, Coopesiba inaugurated the new building that lodges the Health Area of San Pablo de Heredia, which will benefit 30 thousand people.

The property has offices, meeting rooms, waiting rooms and a storehouse with the provisions of law 7600 for people with disabilities. In addition, it was designed with a green concept.

In addition, it houses three Ebais: San Pablo, La Amalia and La Quintana, as well as the Department of Pharmacy, Clinical Laboratory, Dentistry, Medical Specialties, Support Team, Administrative Offices and Comptroller Services.

The new building was built with financing from the National Bank of Costa Rica for an amount of $2 million, plus a $100,000 investment in furniture and medical equipment .

For many years the population has waited for facilities designed and adapted to their needs … This will allow us to enhance the quality of service and warmth we offer to the population,”

said Oscar Abellán, Manager of Coopesiba.

According to Harold Borbón, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Coopesiba,

the process to reach this point has needed teamwork and the conviction of the members of the Cooperative who pledged to give the pableños a work that contributes to their greatest wellness.”