American Expatriate Costa Rica

No agreement between taxi drivers and Uber

What should have been an official communication of the government’s position regarding Uber’s situation became, once again, a discussion and a work table.

The meeting with the representatives of the taxi drivers, the Minister of Transport and the director of Transit lasted more than three hours, but transporters used a break to communicate to their bases what was resolved by the authorities. had access to this first document, which establishes a new deadline to discuss the situation for Uber in terms of making the necessary efforts to comply with the Costa Rican legal framework.

These are the points established by the Governing Council:

-The authority in the matter is the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, which has been developing a dialogue process with the opening of the Mixed Taxi Commission.
-The State institutions are obliged to execute the pertinent actions in order to comply with the Costa Rican legal framework, whether in transit, social security, tax and other areas applicable to the transport of people.

-The mixed commission, led by the MOPT, assumes leadership, and within a period to be agreed upon , a dialogue tool should be created with the objective of creating proposals to revise and modernize the existing legal framework; protecting the income of the families that depend on this activity (taxi drivers).
-A strategic plan must be developed to legally, technically, and administratively organize the operation of a technological development plan in the field of public transport.

Finally, the Governing Council insisted on maintaining an open dialogue with the purpose of preserving social peace and modernizing the transport system.