American Expatriate Costa Rica

Nova: the new Costa Rican transport app

Applications to request a vehicle to go from one place to another keep increasing. However, there’s a 100%-Costa Rican app that intends to start operations by mid-year. It is Nova.

One of the main differences between Nova and Uber is that it will charge 10% less than Uber and it will have a monthly fee of $ 35, which is currently ¢ 20,000.

In addition, the user will be able to choose the vehicle and the driver with whom he/she wants to travel.

Nova’s requirements for drivers include daily license, criminal records, Costa Rica’s Annual Vehicle Inspection emission testings (RITEVE) and total coverage up to date. Moreover, the car has to be from 2000 onwards and with a 800-cc engine.

Those interested in working with this new application can register through by filling out the form.

Regarding the app legality, Nova’s officials explained that that they are not a transport company, but a technological one.