American Expatriate Costa Rica

Only 23% of Costa Rican women receive higher education

Only 23% of Costa Rican women have a higher academic education. The remaining 41% only finished elementary school, or less.

In Costa Rica, 49.5% of the population are women and the majority of this population -34%- is between 20 and 39 years old.

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC), 43.8% of these women have been in a free or married union for 10 years or more, 36.3% are single, 13.9% are separated or divorced, and 6.1% are widowed.

As part of the celebration of the International Women’s Day (held on March 9th), INEC emphasizes the characteristics and situations of women in the country:

-The average age at which females have their first child is 23.
-The majority of women have their first marriage at age 29.
-37.3% of women are dedicated to being heads of households.
-7.5% live in extreme poverty.