American Expatriate Costa Rica

PLN candidates changed their faces after the last vote cut

The faces of the liberationist pre-candidates José María Figueres and Antonio Álvarez Desanti changed completely after the third vote cut on Sunday night.

After the first results the face of Antonio Álvarez was of complete happiness, while the followers of Figueres left their seats and the few that remained had long faces. However, this trend varied at around 11:20 p.m.

At that time, Álvarez led the count with 33,284 votes and 45.22% of the votes, while Figueres totaled 29,588 and 40.20% of the total counted so far.

Figueres left the room where he was with his family with a smile on his face, while Álvarez showed a face of concern and even annoyance at the delay in counting the votes by the Internal Court.