American Expatriate Costa Rica

President’s whirlwind trip to the United States: migration and security issues

President Luis Guillermo Solís will travel on Sunday for a meeting with Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden, on bilateral relations between Costa Rica and the United States, to be held on Monday.

Solís will be back in the country by August 23th. Security, migration and climate change will be the central topics of the meeting, organized by the White House.

This meeting is part of the leadership actions commissioned by Obama’s Administration to Vice President Biden regarding cooperation with Central America,”

said Manuel González Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who will be traveling with Solís.

The Minister of the Presidency, Sergio Alfaro and the Director of Intelligence and Security, Mariano Figueres are going to the meeting as well.

The main reason for the meeting is to review a number of issues that are important for the Government. It’s not an impromptu trip, but an activity that has been prepared for several months,”

said Solís.

The visit will also be used to present to the United States the candidacy of Christiana Figueres as Secretary-General of the United Nations.