American Expatriate Costa Rica

Reform aims to strengthen fight against trafficking

Members of the National Liberation Party (PLN) Antonio Álvarez and Sandra Piszk presented a bill that seeks to strengthen the fight against human trafficking.

The initiative aims to reform articles 172 and 189 bis of the Penal Code and Articles 5 and 6 of the Anti-Trafficking of People Law and Establishment of the National Coalition Against Illicit Trafficking of migrants.

The idea is to bring the country’s legislation closer to international law, particularly in the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which entered into force in 2003.

According to Álvarez and Piszk, the reforms will harmonize national legislation with broader legal categories adopted internationally to facilitate the work of specialized agents to combat organized crime, money laundering and corruption.

Human trafficking is a crime against human rights and it’s the third most profitable activity for organized crime in the world. According to international organizations, said profits come from the subjugation of people, men, women, children and adolescents, slavery, servile marriage and bonded labor.