American Expatriate Costa Rica

Reventazón’s many angles

In the mountains that pirates climbed to loot on Cartago, near jaguars’ passage routes and where indigenous settlements were established thousands of years ago, now stands a majestic hydroelectric project, called Reventazón, almost ready to operate at full capacity.

This mega project, located in Limón Siquirres, combines energy production, archaeological studies, environmental preservation and tourist attractions.

The power plant, with its four generators and 305.5 megawatts, will power 525.000 households.

Archaeological findings in the site, which include stones that served as weapons and other primitive tools, were preserved for future studies.

The site also harbors great ecological wealth of trees, plants and animals. Therefore, conservation measures were taken to ensure that animals, such as jaguars, continue living in their natural habitat.

The reservoir is already navigable. The dam of 130 meters in height is higher than several major buildings in San José. It will have several recreational places, but, logically, there will be restricted areas.

According to the young engineers who have worked there under the command of Luis Roberto Rodríguez, the total cost of the megaproject can amount to $ 1,400 million.