American Expatriate Costa Rica

Rotary Club donated 85 wheelchairs for disabled people

On October 15th, 85 wheelchairs were donated  to people with disabilities, thanks to an initiative of the Rotary Club of Belén and the Rotary Club of Pleasanton, California in the United States.

Those who benefited from the initiative live across the country in poverty or vulnerability conditions. The 85 wheelchairs are the first to be delivered from the total of 240 units that were offered by the Organization.

Ángel San Casimiro Parish Hall, in San Antonio de Belén, was the site that housed the guests.

The beneficiaries are mostly inhabitants from the district of San Antonio de Belén and other surrounding communities. But the donations will reach as far as Pérez Zeledón and also to the Elderly Home of San Vicente de Paul in Ciudad Quesada, San Carlos.