American Expatriate Costa Rica

San Buenaventura Nursing Home needs help!

For over 35 years, San Buenaventura Nursing Home, in Turrialba, has been a shelter for dozens of older adults, but its needs are growing.

This center currently houses 75 seniors and most of them are prostrated, either in bed or in a wheelchair and they depend on caregivers.

Rosa María Araya, president of the Board, assured that despite receiving grants from the National Council of Older People (CONAPAM) and the Social Protection Board (JPS), money is hardly enough to cover 50% of expenditure. They have to look for the other 50% on their own.

The nursing home needs funds to hire more staff and buy basic supplies such as diapers and medicines, besides making some repairs on the building.

Neighboring entrepreneurs from the area joined to hold a fair and support the home. As consequence, Expo Feria Lácteos Turrialba 2016 will be held on December 11th.