American Expatriate Costa Rica

San Juan de Dios Hospital has a new equipment to provide a timely diagnosis of breast cancer

A new unit was installed in San Juan de Dios Hospital. It aims to reduce tests’ waiting period and to provide a more timely diagnosis of breast cancer.

Only in 2015, this medical center reported 306 new cases of breast cancer, but in 70% of the cases, early diagnoses were conducted. This reflects that women go in better times to consultation and therefore their life’s expectancy is higher.

This new equipment has 2 digital mammographies, ultrasound and a system that allows to perform biopsies without sending them to the operating room.

Authorities from the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) urge more women to go to health centers and carry out the regular  medical examinations, because breast cancer remains at the top of women’s death in the country.