American Expatriate Costa Rica

Season puts lottery vendors in the sight of criminals

December has barely started and 2 lottery vendors have already been victims of crime. This situation has raised concerns in the national authorities, who ask for caution during this holiday season.

The first incident occurred in Rio Segundo de Alajuela, when a lottery vendor was shot in an attempted assault. In addition, a man was assaulted by three armed individuals who fled on foot with cash and lottery tickets in Cartago. Both events happened last week.

We have made an effort to organize lottery vendors so that they follow preventive advice and training,”

said Juan José Andrade, director of the Public Force and deputy minister of security.

Andrade insisted that vendors should not carry large sums of money and try to be in central and populated areas.

They must have a limit on the cash they carry and then deposit it to reduce the risks, and they should also avoid selling the lottery in solitary places,”

said the official.

The Christmas lottery will take place on Sunday, December 18th.