American Expatriate Costa Rica

Secretary of the UN will visit the country to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the IA Court

The Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), António Guterres, will be visiting Costa Rica next week to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, whose headquarters are here.

The visit was confirmed by the Costa Rican president Carlos Alvarado, who said they will meet as part of the agenda.

Guterres will be received by the Vice President and Chancellor, Epsy Campbel, this Friday. During the weekend they will have a private agenda and starting on Monday the official visit will start with a tour in the National Energy Center of ICE to learn about advances in renewable energy.

The meeting with Alvarado is scheduled for Monday afternoon. According to the President, the agenda will deal with issues of environmental conservation and social inclusion. The visit to the IDH Court will be Monday night, where Alvarado will also be present.

According to the Government, the Global Environment Facility increased the resources allocated for cooperation in green policies for the country by $4 million. In total, this Fund will allocate $12 million over the next four years, to encourage the development of projects related to the environment. According to Alvarado, the resources will allow progress towards the de-carbonization of the Costa Rican economy.