American Expatriate Costa Rica

Sexually active? Get tested for HIV

Sexologist Marianela Arias and the spokesperson of the organization Igual Cuidate, Gilbert Vega, were interviewed in the TV show Enfoques on December 4th about the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

During the interview, some myths were debunked, such as the belief that only homosexual people could get HIV. This is completely false. Arias said that one of the figures that has received more attention now is the growth of cases of housewives with HIV.

Therefore, the main recommendation is that if you are sexually active, regardless of sex or sexual orientation, you must visit the state’s medical centers and ask for an HIV test.

Vega indicated that although some sectors of society believe there are more or less vulnerable groups to contract HIV, the truth is that the “practices” make the difference. For example, not using a condom, regardless of sex or sexual orientation, puts your life at risk.