American Expatriate Costa Rica

Sick cows in Nicaragua

According to a study presented by an international, economic development agency, a rare disease is affecting eight out of ten cattles in Southeastern and Northern Nicaragua.

The study, prepared by TechnoServe, a Nicaraguan organization, which supports producers to improve their business skills in 20 countries around the world, along with experts from Colorado State University (USA), showed that most livestock in the areas is affected by bovine herpes virus 1 (IBR).

It’s a little-known disease among our producers. We want people to know more about it so they can learn how to fight it,

said Ignacio Vélez, research leader.

Research results show that 846 (83%) out of 1,020 samples studied in the Southeast of Nicaragua, tested positive for IBR, and 850 (79%) out of 1,077 samples studied in the North, tested positive for the same disease.