American Expatriate Costa Rica

SINAC will recover protected areas

The National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) is carrying out several actions to recover protected areas in Alajuela.

Recovery actions are framed within 7575 Forestry Law, which protects areas such as streams, rivers and springs.

After efforts from the Conservation Area in the Central Volcanic Range (ACCVC), the courts allowed the demolition of some facilities that are located in protected areas.

One case is in Alajuela river and spring: they were invaded by a company.

The demolition order includes all construction and structure found within the perimeter of ten meters in the protected area,

declared SINAC.

In addition, the institution stated that the demolition must be followed by debris removal and land preparation for tree planting and regeneration.

Authorities will demolish more than 7,000 square meters of construction and about 9,000 square meters will be recovered.

Similar actions will take place in Las Gradas de Pueblo Nuevo, Alajuela, where, after a complaint, several invaders were found in the bank of Alajuela river. In this case, 800 meters of land will be recovered.

Finally, the third demolition process relates to a 25-meter-long, 2.5-meter-high concrete wall in El Barro ravine, in Montecillos of Alajuela.