American Expatriate Costa Rica

SMEs generate 31% of formal employment

The micro, small and medium size enterprises of Costa Rica -including services, industry, commerce and agriculture- contribute with 31% of the country’s formal employment, according to data released on Monday morning by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (MEIC).

The data come from the Costa Rican Business Information System, prepared by the Ministry.

According to the information, on average, each company employs about 5 people.

As in 2015, most SMEs were concentrated in the services sector with 43.6% and commerce with 39.6%.

The fifth SME situation report 2016 indicates that sales to the State increased by 11.9%, implying that the number of companies increased by 285 compared to 2015.

This study marks some trends. It is not a map of the SME park, but it is a sample that helps us see and guide the support network,”

said Carmen Dinarte, Minister of Economy.

The report indicates that one of the sectors that sold the most to the State was the services sector, which reached 54% of total purchases by the Public Administration.

Manufacturing and Agriculture continue with the lowest participation in the State market, with only 6% and 2%, respectively.