American Expatriate Costa Rica

Spectacular images of a whale and its calf in Puntarenas

The lens of the camera of the Costa Rican pilot Everardo Carmona captured the moment when a humpback whale swam with its calf in the bay of Playa Tambor in Puntarenas.

The video was recorded at 6:52 a.m. while Carmona was flying a tourist flight to Playa Muertos.

According to Carmona, for just over 20 minutes they were flying over the animals. During that time they could see how they both swam, submerged and subsequently ascended to the surface to breathe.

We saw the whole process of breathing. The mother stayed below protecting the baby whale, while it remained on the surface. It was very cute and super interesting. We took photos and videos,”

said the pilot.

The aviator said the passengers of the charter flight, mostly foreigners, were delighted with the experience, since it was something they’ve never seen before.