American Expatriate Costa Rica

“Sueños de una noche de verano” was awarded twice!

Sueño de una noche de verano” play, presented in 2016 at the National Theatre, received two National Awards of Culture.

Its director, Luis Carlos Vazquez, received the award for Best Director, and Francisco Alpízar received the award for his work as costume designer.

According to the jury, Vázquez did an incredible job, a direction not only on the stage and on each image presented in the work, but also a clean acting work of the cast that allowed a full enjoyment. The play, written by William Shakespeare in 1595, is one of the great classics of theatrical literature and it was taken to the stage last year.

This morning the Ministry of Culture and Youth announced the winners of each of the 24 categories of the National Culture Awards.

Every year, the Costa Rican State awards the trajectory, effort and excellence in the different branches of artistic expressions, including visual, audiovisual, scenic, literary, cultural promotion areas, among others.