American Expatriate Costa Rica

The absence of 21 legislators prevents legislative session

On November 8th, the absence of 21 legislators prevented the legislative plenary session due to a lack of quorum.

The sessions require a minimum quorum of 38 legislators, out of a total of 57. However, there were only 36.

According to Antonio Álvarez, President of the Congress, only 10 permits were granted and 2 other legislators are disabled: Víctor Morales Zapata and Henry Mora, both from the Citizen Action Party (PAC).

In total, 8 absent legislators were from CAP. In addition to Morales Zapata and Mora, Javier Cambronero, Franklin Corella, Laura Garro (leader of the fraction), Marlene Madrigal, Emilia Molina and Marco Vinicio Redondo were absent.

The four legislators from the National Liberation Party (PLN) that did not show up were: Carlos Arguedas, Maureen Clarke (leader), who is currently in England; Rolando González, who is traveling to Panama, and Karla Prendas, who is in the United States.

Four legislators from Partido Social Cristiana (PUSC) are also added to the list: Johnny Leiva, Rafael Ortíz, Humberto Vargas and Luis Vásquez.

And finally, Abelino Esquivel and Gonzalo Ramírez, from Costa Rican Renovation, Ligia Fallas, from Frente Amplio, and José Alberto Alfaro, from the Libertarian Movement were also absent.