American Expatriate Costa Rica

The Environment Commission approved a substitute text to the animal welfare act

The Environment Commission of the Legislative Assembly approved a substitute bill to the animal welfare act. It was presented in a popular initiative.

Legislators made the decision to adopt a new text to match its content with the bill that punishes animal abuse with prison, which was voted in first reading by the Legislative on July 26th. However, it was declared unconstitutional by the Fourth Chamber on September 21th.

In the legislative process, there are two animal welfare projects. The first one is the one approved in its first reading and the second oner is the one presented through popular initiative.

The latter has an expiration date and should be ruled on November 17th by the Environmental Commission.

For this reason, to have a faster process, it was replaced with the consensus text that legislators created in order to correct the mistakes indicated in the project approved in the first reading.

If the bill submitted by popular initiative is not passed, it will likewise pass to the legislative plenary because it has an expiration date.