American Expatriate Costa Rica

There was a car accident: was it Uber’s fault?

Glen Muñoz hired a driver and allowed him to use one of the vehicle he owned to work within Uber application. Everything was great until the driver was involved in a traffic accident in which he was responsible.

During the procedures to collect the insurance, Glen discovered that the driver, who had spent several months working with Uber, was carrying a fake license.

Collision damage exceed 2 million colones. The affected is worried since the tests that the application conducts are “completely useless”.

I trusted their tests and now they tell me it’s my responsibility. They have to face the problem because they are supposed to make previous studies on people they hire. That means that anyone with fake documents can walk around offering the service,

stated Glenn.

The company replied via e-mail to the affected but it did not offer a solution:

The confidence test is what allows us to accept or not someone who wants to be a driver. The company checks if the person has a criminal record, but if he/she presents a false document, such information won’t be in the system. We validate what is within the system, however, not expertise of validity of the document is conducted.

Then they added that they will take the case as a record, but the are not the ones to blame.