American Expatriate Costa Rica

There was a new increase in respiratory infections in 2016

According to data from the Ministry of Health, 2016 closed with a new increase in respiratory infections caused by several viruses.

At the end of the year, authorities identified 3 viruses in sick people. These are Influenza B virus, influenza AH3 virus and the strain AH1N1 2009.

Influenza is the common flu. According to information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), it is a contagious respiratory disease. This virus can cause mild or severe illness and can sometimes lead to death.

These viruses share a number of symptoms such as headache, fever at 38 degrees or more, sore throat, loss of appetite, dry cough, chills, muscle and joint aches, runny nose, cough without phlegm and general discomfort.

Most people who get the flu could recover in a couple of days or in less than 2 weeks, but some of them will develop complications.

Because of this, authorities urge people suffering from chronic illness, parents of children under 3 years old, the elderly and pregnant women to be very careful.

The constant hand washing and cough-and-sneezing protocol are very important, but it is also important:

-To avoid agglomerations: people with risk factors should avoid going to crowded places such as concerts, stadiums and churches.
-Not to go to the workplace if you have flu-like symptoms, coughing and sneezing. This recommendation applies to children and the elderly’s caregivers.
-Not to smoke.

The severe acute respiratory illness claimed the lives of 29 people during the most recent increase in cases affecting the country.