American Expatriate Costa Rica

These are your options if you want to lower your sugar intake

If you think your relationship with refined sugar is out of line, there are natural options to take that first step for your health.

For nutritionist Carol Palacios, a person with a healthy weight should not consume more sugar than 10% of the total calories in the diet.

If there is overweight, obesity or chronic illness such as diabetes, hypertension or fatty liver, it is preferable to use stevia as a natural sweetener with zero calories.”

Some of the healthy options include:

-Products made from cane: according to Palacios, brown sugar or “panela” are the best known and most easily found in commerce. The nutritionist also praised the high amount of B vitamins and minerals like calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus that come with brown sugar.

-Raw honey: this product is 25 times sweeter than regular sugar. According to Palacios, honey is a natural antibiotic that has its antioxidant, soothing and bactericide properties. The woman recommends it with juices, yogurt and for making desserts.

-Stevia plant: In addition to providing very sweet flavors, it has a contribution of almost zero calories. Currently, it is possible to find it in powder, or you can consume it directly from the plant extract or as translucent honey. This plant is slightly hypotensive, it improves dental health and circulation and it also assists in digestive processes.

-Coconut sugar:

It’s a very new product in the industry that is obtained from the flower of the palm. It has a significant amount of nutrients such as minerals and vitamins and it has a fiber called inulin that helps slow adsorption of blood glucose,”

said the nutritionist.

-Agave syrup: It is obtained from a cactus and it has a milder taste than honey. The nutritionist explained that consumption is ideal for diabetics because of its low glycemic index, but its use should be moderate.

All these alternatives are good choices to sweeten up your healthy life, but should be used in moderation because too much of them can affect weight and body fat,”

added Palacios.

If in doubt, consult a specialist, because a healthy diet should be balanced.