American Expatriate Costa Rica

Tourists left 1.5 tons of garbage in 50 meters of beach

Tourists left their mark on the Ballena Marine National Park in Osa, with 1.5 tons of garbage, in barely 50 meters of beach.

Sthepanie Mory, ai administrator of the park, commented that this is a situation that unfortunately repeats itself every high season: Christmas and New Year, Easter and during the 15-day vacation in July.

The Ballena Marine National Park was the fourth most visited park in 2017, with 156 thousand visitors, approximately. For about three years, the administration decided to eliminate garbage dumps, in order to make visitors aware and take charge of their own waste. However, there is still much work to be done, said Mory.

Unfortunately, the holidays and the enjoyment of many Costa Ricans is a nightmare for the environment in the Park, this year we have received large numbers of visitors without environmental awareness, they leave their waste as part of the ‘scenic beauty’ of the place… What a pity having to repeat the ‘please, take your garbage because the environment does not know what to do with it’… You feel a disappointment in humanity when this happens. When will this change?”

posted Mory on Facebook site of the Park.