American Expatriate Costa Rica

Union claims that project against strikes is “threatening”

On Wednesday, the Commission that discusses the project to make changes to the Labor Procedural Reform regarding strikes, held a working session with the leaders of the Confederation of Workers Rerum Novarum.

Lenín Hernández and Mario Rojas, trade union representatives, described the project as a “lever for organizations, their leaders and freedom in general.”

The wage rebate is established from the beginning of a strike movement qualified as illegal, as well as the dissolution of unions when it is proven that their members participated in blockades.

In this regard, Rojas emphasized that the initiative brings down the progress that has been made in this area as well as international agreements.

Let’s agree with the Superior Labor Council. Why not talk? Why impose?”

suggested the representative of the legislative forum Carlos Ricardo Benavides, president of the Commission and proponent of the initiative.

“Threatening” projects like these, in their opinion, should not come from the Legislative or Executive Power, since it is intended to disregard freedom of association, even by forcing them to modify their bylaws for the establishment of official emails, in order to be notified in that way.

One of their arguments has to do with the fact that unions comply with the current period of three days. Therefore, it is not appropriate to reduce it to only one day as a deadline to do it.

The commission will continue with the stage of hearings, where the visit of businessmen and government authorities is also expected.