American Expatriate Costa Rica

US ambassador guarantees good relations with the country

The new US ambassador to Costa Rica, Sharon Day, said that her country will continue its policies of good relations with the national government, with collaboration mostly for security reasons.

On Wednesday, Day handed over her credentials to President Luis Guillermo Soís and Foreign Minister Manuel González to start duties immediately.

It is an honor to serve in Costa Rica as Ambassador of the United States,”

said the diplomat, chosen by Donald Trump last June to come to the country to replace Stafford Fitzgerald Haney.

When asked if the good relations between the two countries would be maintained, Day replied that “absolutely”.

During the administration of Barack Obama and those of several of his predecessors, Costa Rica received assistance from that country to fight drug trafficking, with donations of airplanes, boats and other elements that are at the service of the Ministry of Security.

The new ambassador has been working with the Republican Party for 20 years and she was one of the most active voices in favor of Trump during his campaign.