American Expatriate Costa Rica

What to do in case of volcanic ash fall?

Despite the 112 volcanos in Costa Rica, Turrialba’s recent events are not common. Nevertheless, preparation is necessary. These are some of the useful tips provided by the Comisión Nacional de Emergencias, in case there is a heavy volcanic ash fall.

Costa Rica’s most active volcanos are Turrialba, Irazú, Poás, Arenal and Rincón de la Vieja.

* If you are in a community where there is heavy ash fall, stay home. Wait for instructions from the authorities.

* Close doors and windows. Place wet towels in the doorsteps and air entries.

*Clean the ashes with water. Remove it from gutters and drains.

*Clean rooftops frequently, since they only support 10cm of ashes.

*Let the ashes in the water deposit at the bottom. Use clean water only.

*Protect electronic devices.

*If you are outdoors, protect eyes and respiratory tracks.

*Have extra food for pets. Keep them indoors, clean eyes and nose with fresh water.

*Ashes are abrasive and may cause congestion and allergies. Keep children and elderly people indoors. Avoid exposure.

*Keep clothes and blankets in your car. Prepare a first aid kit. Remove the ashes with water.

*Keep your cellphone’s battery fully charged. If possible, carry an extra battery.

Important information: volcanic ash is abrasive and corrosive. Even if it’s not highly toxic, it can cause health problems in children, pregnant women and elderly people. Additionally, it can hurt the frontal part of your eyes in windy conditions. Protect your eyes.