American Expatriate Costa Rica

You didn’t study or lose weight in 2016? Don’t let it happen again!

It happens in the best families: the last days of each year we are filled with purposes that fade away in January as quickly as your Christmas bonus.

Dieting, studying, saving money to finally go on vacation or changing jobs, are always listed every year. If every year you set the same goal but don’t achieve it, the problem may the goal and the lack of effort.

According to psychologist Maria Esther Flores, the first step is to stop feeling sorry for not achieving the goals of last year.

People should self-evaluate and instead of asking ‘why didn’t I do it?’, think that now they can change goals and try again. Do not become a victim or a culprit, but understand that we are learners of the circumstances of life,”

said Flores.

The next step is to consider the new challenges for next year. Of course, everyone should be accompanied by a plan to achieve their goals.

Goals must be objective and realistic. It is advisable to order them in the short, medium and long term. If there is no clear motivation and conviction to do something, it is better not to set it as a goal, because you won’t have the necessary strength to achieve it and you will be frustrated at the end of the year,”

added Flores.

The expert recommends a monthly check of goals and include family and friends to accompany you and support compliance.

Remember that every goal requires effort and discipline, and that achieving them goes beyond writing them down on paper.

Have you made your plans for 2017?