American Expatriate Costa Rica

You don’t longer need the Income Certification to be assisted in the institutions of the CCSS

From January 1st, no worker will receive the Income Certification, issued by the Costa Rican Social Security Fund, again. Now, to be assisted in the institutions of the Fund, you only need the insured and identity cards.

The CCSS is no longer requesting the income certification as a requirement for the provision of health services in its hospitals, health areas and headquarters of Basic Health Care Teams (Ebáis), located in the National territory.

Last year, the entity decided to stop printing this document and save about 200 million colones.

However, you may need it in other institutions, therefore, although the printed document disappeared, you can have access to it through the Internet.

The digital order is available in Sicere’s Virtual Office. You can enter it through the website of the Fund:

There are 3 ways to register:

-In person: in service headquarters or branches of the CCSS.
-Digital Signature: If you have a digital signature, you can enter Sicere’s Virtual Office to have direct access to your working information.
-Online self-registration: Log in to Sicere’s Virtual Office and click the button to register. You must have your identity card on hand and you must register your address. It will also require your income certification, as you will be asked for the verification code that is in it.

If you have any question, please call 2539-1600 or write an email to