American Expatriate Costa Rica

19 students from the UCR passed an international, gynecology and obstetrics test


19 students from the University of Costa Rica (UCR) were the only Central America students to pass an international test, whose purpose is to measure the knowledge of young people in the field of gynecology and obstetrics.

The examination was conducted by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), in the United States, to guarantee new specialists’ capabilities in the female reproductive system and pregnancy.

In addition, it aims to know if the future professionals meet the demands worldwide.

Members of the Costa Rican group managed to pass the test individually, but they also positioned themselves as a team over the other Central American countries.

Panama was in second place with a promotion of 60% of its students, while El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua were below 20%.

We can tell and assure the population that the doctors received first-class education, not only recognized in the country, but around the world,

said Óscar Cérdas, coordinator of the specialty.