American Expatriate Costa Rica

An enviromental movement started a campaign to stop the logging at the UCR


In order to stop the logging and construction work in sports facilities (farm 3) at the University of Costa Rica, an Environmental Conservation Movement of Farms 3 and 4 from the UCR is collecting signatures through a digital platform to send a petition to UCR dean Henning Jensen

Paulina Mata graduated from the UCR and she is part of the movement. She declared that they have resorted to many legal instances.

In a communiqué sent by the Mocaf3y4 movement, its members declared that that construction has been favored due to the silence of the Constitutional Chamber regarding at least 10 requests for precautionary measures.

The movement added that serious environmental damages increase day after day and other irregularities occur in the licensing process such as the construction of the Faculty of Dentistry in farm 3, which was not included in the Road Impact Study.

The movement has resorted to many legal instances and it’s been ignored, the movement started a campaign.

The petition currently has more than 1,200 signatures and its goal is to reach at least 2,000 in a couple of weeks.

Interested people can sign the petition by clicking here or by joining Salvemos la Naturaleza de las Instalaciones deportivas de la UCR Facebook group.