American Expatriate Costa Rica

Carpooling: New “app” starts pilot plan

“Dame Ride” is the name of a new application created by Costa Ricans, who aim to take advantage of the maximum capacity of vehicles, thus reducing traffic.

For now, during the pilot plan, the idea is that officials from the same company get to an agreement through the platform to share the trip from home to work and back, or a section of it.

For this they created “trusted networks” only with people from work, so that people adapt to carpooling as new means of transport.

So far two companies have joined its staff and it’s being advised by the group of creators (Sandra Solórzano, Luis Carlos Paniagua and Óscar Méndez).

After the pilot, they hope “Dame Ride” can also be activated for individuals.

“The most important thing is to encourage a cultural change in people, so that they chose this healthier and collaborative transportation,” said Méndez.

Companies interested in acquiring the service can send an email to

This is one of the carpooling initiatives in the country. Another Costa Rican man created the site, for individuals to organize shared trips online.