American Expatriate Costa Rica

Correos will hire more staff to cope with packages from China

Due to the large amount of purchases made in Chinese websites, Correos de Costa Rica will hire more staff to cope with deliveries.

In Correos we have had to take significant steps to address the growth that is taking place at the level of e-commerce from Asia. One the actions implemented recently was hiring more staff for distribution, expanding the number and format of the distribution fleet and expanding delivery schedules,”

said Jorge Solano, commercial manager of the company.

This year, the purchases in sites such as Aliexpress and Wish soared by 600%. This situation is similar in other countries like Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Peru.

One of the main complaints of users in social networks is that packages take too long to be delivered, a situation recognized by the entity.

A process of mass delivery in different distribution centers in the country will start from next September 5th, in order to significantly reduce the periods for delivery nationwide.

In addition, the company decided to enable tracing of packages in the country for this merchandise, despite the service originally hired by the client does not contemplate this feature.

In the case of packages held by Customs, Correos de Costa Rica sends a notice to the customer at the address stated on the package, so that the client goes to the customs postal center in Zapote to pay postal fees,”

said the official.