American Expatriate Costa Rica

Costa Rica, Brazil and FAO aim to drive school feeding programs

60 officials from the Agricultural, Health, Education and Human Development sectors exchanged experiences on strengthening child nutrition education, school feeding, family farming, and abilities development.

The exchange took place in the first National Meeting on Strengthening School Feeding Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean 2025 Project, which is being carried out in Costa Rica.

This meeting is part of the activities developed by Strengthening School Feeding Programs within the framework of the Latin America and the Caribbean Without Hunger 2025 initiative, which was conducted through the technical cooperation among the Governments of Brazil, Costa Rica and FAO.

During the meetings, participants presented student vegetable gardens projects, that were implemented as a teaching, community-development tool in San Isidro de Perez Zeledón, Dominical, Fila Tigre, San Carlos de Buenos Aires, San Ramón, among other places. In addition, strategies used in the integrated approach of malnutrition were also explained.

Similarly, officials from the Farming Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), along with the Ministry of Public Education (MEP), trained teachers from Cordoncillo and Peje de Volcán schools in Buenos Aires.

Partecipants talked about climate change issues, the use of protected environments in vegetables, organic fertilizer created through composting process, liquid activation of microorganisms, the use of ceilings in vegetables, the use of liquid fertilizer in vegetables, among others.