American Expatriate Costa Rica

Costa Rica offers tours to Nicoya to learn to “live life”

Since this November Costa Rica is offering tourists a very different alternative to know the country. The Blue Zones company announced that it will make day tours and retreats in Nicoya, Guanacaste, one of the five “blue zones” of the world, where the population exceeds the average life expectancy thanks to the relaxed lifestyle.

Retreats for tourists will focus on exploring well-being in accordance with Nicoyan philosophy. Fernando Castro, CEO of Blue Zones Nicoya, said that the packages offered to tourism in that region include yoga practice, visits to cornfields and coffee plantations, hiking, meditation and healthy eating.

In a press release, the company announced that it organizes thematic tours focused on areas such as stress management, finding the purpose of life, spiritual health, female health, longevity and conscious eating.

According to a study by the National Geographic Society of the United States, Nicoya is one of the five blue areas of the world, places where people have a longer life. According to research, this is due to factors such as healthy eating and lifestyle, closeness with the family and the positive mood or vision to face life’s situations.