American Expatriate Costa Rica

Did you go to Ebais this year? Check out appointment in afternoon hours

If you are one of the 122,000 people who have not attended consultation in Ebais Unibe this year, you can make an appointment from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Ebais authorities want to appeal to those insured people that have not had routine checks in over a year through the campaign “Tu salud te llama” (Your health calls you).

As part of the strategy, insurers will be offered an afternoon consultation if they have not had any type of check during the year. Those wishing to access this service must make an appointment by calling 4000-6600.

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness in the population that usually does not attend Ebais about the importance of getting a routine check in order to anticipate future conditions that could worsen over time and that have not been detected due to a lack of controls.