American Expatriate Costa Rica

Do you have video games fever? This information is for you!

If you have video games fever, pay attention because you don’t escape from security threats.

On August 29th the World Gamer Day was celebrated and Eset Latin America made a list of the most common threats gamers are victims of. Videogames industry grows every year and players get involved and increasingly identify with the characters. this makes them profitable not only for businesses but also for cybercriminals.

The 4 most common threats are:

-TeslaCrypt: This is a software that encrypts users’ files. It requests payment to recover all the data. It also blocks access to saved files and configurations.
-Stealing passwords: They are codes that attempt to steal credentials for accessing online games or platforms.
-False cracks: In these cases, victims believe that they are installing a crack but it is actually a malware.
-False applications: The warning focuses on those who usually play from smartphones or tablets because many applications masquerade as official games.

How to avoid being a victim of fraud?

-Download games from legal and official sites. In addition, make the appropriate updates to correct potential vulnerabilities.
-Ignore unknown chats requesting information.
-Change passwords regularly and do not use the same password for different accounts or services.