American Expatriate Costa Rica

Do you want to help Mexico? Here’s an option

Aeroméxico maintains an active campaign for the collection of supplies in Costa Rica that will be sent to Mexico to help people affected by the 7.1-degrees earthquake that occurred last Tuesday.

Items that are collected include: mouth masks, bandages, syringes, masking tape, gauze, cotton, surgical brushes and gloves. They also need diapers for children and adults, powder milk, toilet paper and non-perishable foods.

September 25th and 26th will be the last days to take donations to the airline’s facilities (located 150 meters west of the Costarican Institute of Electricity (ICE) in Sabana Norte) from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The company informed that the articles should be delivered in cardboard boxes, which are not to be sealed so that the staff can check them.

About 300 people died as a result of that earthquake and many people are under the rubble. Mexico City is the most affected area, according to the authorities.