American Expatriate Costa Rica

Hospital Mexico ran out of blood

The blood bank of Hospital México is running out of reserves and has already begun to decrease the amount of blood resources that are provided to patients; for example, if a patient requires six units, only four or five are sent.

The situation is so serious that they made an urgent call for blood donations to save people’s lives.

Jacqueline Duque, a doctor at that hospital, said that on these dates there is a drop in the number of donors nationwide,

which is very worrying, because the need for blood is rather increased due to traffic accidents.”

Donors can approach Mexico Hospital at the following times:

Monday to Thursday: 7:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Friday: 7:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 7:00 am to 12 md.

Remember that donating blood is very easy, it only requires good health, being between 18 and 65 years old, weighing more than 50 kg, and not having ingested liquor in the 48 hours prior to donation.