American Expatriate Costa Rica

Legislator is against the elimination of imprisonment as a penalty for drug dealing

Gonzalo Ramírez, member of Partido Renovación Costarricense (PRC), doesn’t agree with the elimination of imprisonment for those involved in drug trafficking in small amounts. On the contrary, the legislator said that it is a crime that must be punished with intensity.

This was his risponse to the statements delivered by 3rd Chamber magistrate and Vice President of the Supreme Court, Jose Manuel Arroyo, on the decriminalization of drug dealing.

Magistrate Arroyo’s statements are unacceptable. It makes no sense to ask not to imprison drug dealers, the same drug dealers who are outside schools and colleges, around the corners in neighborhoods, those people who hide under the football bleachers of the communities,

claimed the legislator.

Ramirez declared that Arroyo ignores that small-scale drug dealing affects families, causes great damage to the society and generates violence in the neighborhoods.

He affirmed that the Government should consider to build more prisons or to improve prevention programs, but releasing those involved in such crimes should not be an option.