American Expatriate Costa Rica

More dental services in Heredia’s Ebais

The health area of San Rafael de Heredia enabled decentralizeded dentistry equipment in each Ebais, in addition to the existing ones in the health area headquarters.

The Ebais of Getsemaní, Los Angeles and Concepción. According to Dr. José Pablo Campos, director general of the area, each of these Ebais will have a dental equipment and users will be able to consult the specialists on specific day and at a certain time, without having to move to the area’s headquarters.

According to the doctor, this allows them to provide more timely service to the population, access to dental care and reduce the costs for the patients.

The specialist acknowledged that the have had various communal alliances, including the Municipality, which donated dental equipment.

Campos also said the program “school clinic” is maintained. This program has been strengthened over the years and has allowed this medical center to ensure that children become adults with good oral health.

The health area of San Rafael de Heredia has a direct population of about 50 thousand people, three decentralized Ebais and four are in the headquarters area.