American Expatriate Costa Rica

More than 800 blood donors are needed in the coming weeks

Authorities seek at least 854 blood donors to meet the demand that increases during the holiday season. The National Blood Bank requires the liquid to deal with incidents in different hospital centers, which increase by the end and beginning of the year.

Adriana González, in charge of the Promotion Department, explained that some of the difficulties they face are that some of the companies that make daily donations cancel their participation in this period. Therefore, from Thursday to Saturday, a donation day will be held at the Bank’s facilities located in Zapote.

Hazel Alfaro, coordinator of the World Embassy of Activists for Peace, explained that the call is made in order to collect a sufficient pool of blood of all types, to meet the ordinary dynamics and emergencies that may arise during these days. Many people move to different destinations to vacation.

By day it is necessary the uptake of 150 donors on average. Thanks to the processes of blood fragmentation, each donor benefits up to four patients.

The bank will be open:

Tuesday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

It is important to remember that people who wish to donate must weigh more than 50 kilos, show an identity card or residence, be from 18 to 60 years old, eat a light breakfast without dairy and be in good health.