American Expatriate Costa Rica

Neighbors from León XIII require your help after fire

A total of 72 families from León XIII citadel in Tibás require your help after Saturday’s raging fire, where they lost everything.

What they need most are toiletries such as toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap and clean, new underwear for children.

The municipality reported that it is advisable to take donations to Generación de Pactos Church, in the same community León XIII.

In any case, they will also be receiving donations in the municipal building, located in the center of the canton.

Legislator Maureen Clarke reported that donations are also being received in her office in the Legislative Assembly, starting at 8 in the morning.

During this raging fire, which occurred last Saturday, 5 people died. Now the prosecution is considering whether a subject named Jiménez Peraza is responsible for starting the fire.