American Expatriate Costa Rica

Plenary: “Celso Gamboa incurred very serious offesnses in the exercise of the position”

The Plenary Court ruled that the suspended magistrate of Chamber III, Celso Gamboa, incurred serious offenses during the exercise of his position.

This was established after the plenary session this Thursday, which determined

to hold Magistrate Celso Gamboa Sánchez responsible for disciplinary proceedings, for having incurred serious violations in the exercise of his position,”

in relation to the trip to Panama that he made together with the importer of Chinese cement, Juan Carlos Bolaños.

In addition, the Plenary Court indicated that

there will be declarations before the Legislative Assembly for its competence and also before the Public Prosecutor’s Office, so that they know the facts mentioned in the report of the Organizing Body of the Procedure, related to the crimes of false testimony and perjury on the part of magistrate Celso Gamboa Sánchez, as well as the facts described by Mr. David Patey in his statements.

This last point refers to Patey’s appearance before the legislative commission that investigates the cementazo scandal. On November 9th, the American and president of Fuerza Herediana affirmed under oath that Bolaños asked him to help him with a loan of $150,000 for Gamboa.