American Expatriate Costa Rica

Power struggles divide the Costa Rican cooperative movement

Freddy González, Executive secretary of the National Council of Cooperatives (CONACOOP) and Rodolfo Navas, Manager of the  Cooperative Studies and Center  (CENECOOP), are having some serious disagreements.

González accused Navas of embezzlement of public funds, and the latter assures that the accusations are due to political reasons seeking to affect his image.

On the other hand, Navas accused GonzÁlez to oppose both the reduction of the time that takes to create a cooperative (currently, it takes between six months and one year), and the reduction of the number of members needed to conform one.

A complaint was filed in the Public Ministry, but despite the differences, it should be noted that the cooperative is a pillar of economic democracy and their contribution is essential for the Costa Rican development.